Whether your fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network design has closures in a buried or aerial environment, one thing remains the same: you need assured environmental protection and quick, incremental subscriber drops. From our experience in the field, we know that not all closures are the same. Corning's closures are designed with your needs in mind.
OptiSheath® Sealed Terminal, UCA Series:
Corning OptiSheath® sealed terminal, UCA series is designed for the aerial, pole, pedestal or buried fiber access network and provides a low-cost solution optimized for optical access architectures.
The terminal offers 16 drop ports for flat drop cable, with eight ports per side and up to 6 ft of buffer tube slack storage. The UCA terminal has two distribution ports per side for in-line and branch splicing. The terminal can be outfitted with up to 16 OptiTap® connector adapters (preconnectorized), 8 ports per side, 12 OptiTip® ports for multifiber drops in a single port or with mechanical adapters that allow the sealing and strain-relief of individual flat drop cables for direct fusion splicing inside the terminal.
Number of Adapters