
CORNING Loose Tube All-Dielectric Rodent Resistant Optical Fibre SM SingleMode 50-125um Cables12-288

Part Number: CRNF-FCLTRFSM-xx

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Corning all-dielectric, loose tube cables are designed for outdoor use in duct or direct burial installation. The loose tube design features gelfilled buffer tubes arranged around a dielectric central strength member, with dry water-blocking materials bound inside a polyethylene sheath. Additional crush and rodent protection is provided by glass reinforced, armouring elements sandwiched between layers of polyethylene. The cable structure is completed with a standard termite resistant nylon outer jacket.

The cable features SZ–stranded buffer tubes which isolate fibres from installation and environmental rigours, while allowing easy midspan access. The loose tube design provides stable performance over a wide temperature range and is compatible with any telecommunications-grade optical fibre.